I have just returned from three weeks of looking after my 94 soon to be 95 years old Dad . The idea was to give relief for my sister in whose ( big) house he lives .
It was not without pleasure . He is my Dad after all . We effectively did a tour of the pubs of Cheshire while debating which was more screwed up Brexit or Trumpian America. Spoiler alert it is Brexit. The constitution will eventually save us from Trump . It was not without pain. It is sad to watch a strong resilient man humbled by age
My Dad’s mind is still in fine form and he takes less pills that I do but he is slowly losing his mobility and the result is that he housebound and even chair bound unless there is someone to help him and no one to talk to unless someone shows up .
We always used to joke about the quote that is attributed to Solon but equally to Aeschylus and Sophocles i.e. Call no man happy before his death. Til then he is not happy -only lucky
Part of ageing is the running out of luck and it sucks and there is no good answer . Like Kenny Rogers’ gambler – breaking even is the best for which one can hope
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