Black or White Cats & Democratic Socialism
Black or White Cats and Democratic Socialism
A Rose would smell as sweet
I have just bought myself a “Democratic Socialist” T shirt and propose to wear it while I support Bernie Sanders and his attempt to reform America. I am indeed a Berniecrat.
Ironically in all my life, having been born in England, emigrated to the US and becoming an American citizen, I have never thought of myself as a socialist or even particularly left of center. I even rejected the label European Liberal though I now see it to have probably been accurate even when I was a Maggie Thatcher supporter.
What I have realized, since not living there, is that European Welfare State Capitalism where the market and capitalism generate wealth and the people via taxes and redistribution of wealth recognize a social contract to protect the weak and build a strong infrastructure allows the chasing of what Adam Smith called a flourishing and happy society. Does anyone not want a flourishing and happy society?
It remains a mystery to me how opposed even educated Americans are to the idea the market and a social contract to protect the weak and vulnerable can exist together. They seem to be able to ignore the fact that they co-exist very successfully in almost every rich country except the United States.
The details vary of course and the policy wonk questions of “how exactly should it work” are difficult and are worth debating. The United States seems to be unable to get past the “whether we should even try” question. The result is that we have a crueler and less happy and flourishing society than we could have, AND we don’t get to apply American Exceptionalism to the “how questions”
So, what about that darn black or white cat. Attributed to Deng Xiaoping, but standard Chinese proverb is the phrase “ It does not matter if a cat is black or white so long as it catches mice”
I am beginning to realize that the political labels are dividing because they bring with them baggage that obscures the goal and the quest for “how” while provoking unnecessary “whether” arguments
It probably does not matter who owns the means of production. Of course, I have views on the “right” answer as should we all. It does matter that the means of production generate wealth and lots of it in an honest and compassionate and sustainable way.
It probably does not matter how universal health care is operated and yes again I have my views as should we all. It does matter that people do not go bankrupt when they get sick and preventative medicine is available to all
I think I must wear my Democratic Socialist shirt because it is the label that has been chosen about which to rally. What I am really wearing is a black or white cat shirt and what I am seeking is the caught mouse of a flourishing and happy society.
I will concede you many “how” positions if only you can move off “whether”
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