Jus Solis - Just because Trump said it does not make it wrong
Trump is Mostly Correct on this one -
Most Countries do not grant citizenship based on being born there and it may be time that we changed our law too.
Like everything Trump handles , the right of citizenship because you are born in country, “Jus Solis” , issue is being handled in a nasty way, but he is not entirely wrong . Indeed, he is mostly correct.
Only 30 countries allow it , no European Country does and only the US and Canada of what you would call old Western Democracies do .
It may well be a law that should be overturned. I personally would vote for such a change. I don’t see it as being a help to the US in the 21st century and indeed is probably an anachronism
The “ Jus Solis” rule ( I only learned this name today – it means law of the soil) is part of the 14th Amendment and so is enshrined in the constitution but the constitution is not immutable. It cannot be overturned by executive order though the supreme court can say that the order is not unconstitutional
Bring on the debate and fellow liberals please think and do not knee-jerk respond.
I offer an upside . Change the law and rich privileged children of foreign parents in effect become DREAMers . Maybe we can get a decent DREAMER law enacted when the idea applies to all.
Of the countries that do not guarantee citizenship by birth they do offer a path to citizenship that is based on long-term residence and good behavior . For me this is a wiser course of action for the United States and is not wrong just because Trump said it
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